WVU Earth Week 2012: A great way to give back to the community

By Matthew Wolford

April 22, 2012 is Earth Day. On this day, anyone is encouraged to take the time to do something to better the Earth, our environment, or our community. There will be many opportunities for Morgantown residents and WVU students to get involved in their community throughout the week of Earth day.

WVU’s Office of Sustainability has posted a list of events that will be taking place for students to get involved. Earth Week 2012 began on April 16 with an event to volunteer and “green” the grounds of the WVU campus and also an event to pot and take home your own plant. On Tuesday, a Free Confidential Shred Day was held on campus for WVU staff, faculty and students to bring papers to be shredded. Also on Tuesday, WVU held a Free Electronics Recycling Day for anyone to bring unwanted electronics to be recycled.

Today, Wednesday was Alternative Transportation Day, which encouraged people to take public transportation, biking, or walking rather than driving. Tomorrow, April 19, an exhibit will be made in the Mountainlair to show what WVU WECAN is doing to to improve the campus.

Also, throughout the entire week, The OneShirt National Collegiate Clothing Challenge will be going on all week for anyone to donate used clothing to charities. WVU Fashion Design and Merchandising will be sponsoring the event.

The list of events can be found here.

It’s great that WVU is getting involved with bettering the local community and environment. The events that are taking place this week, Earth Week, are getting students involved in giving back to the community.

7 thoughts on “WVU Earth Week 2012: A great way to give back to the community

  1. I actually donated my old iphone to the electronic recycling event because there was something wrong with the screen sensor and could no longer be used. I really like when WVU hosts events like this because even if it doesn’t directly benefit yourself, it’s still fun to get involved. I have two trash bags full of clothes that I’ve wanted to get rid of since last semester! I’ve yet to make a trip to Goodwill so maybe i’ll stop by the Clothing Challenge too 🙂

  2. I think the clothing drive is a good idea. I recently witnessed an acquaintance of mine throwing three hardly worn shirts in the trash can, because they “didn’t fit” her anymore. I was appalled. I asked her why she wouldn’t just donate them and her excuse was that she didn’t have anywhere to donate it to. That was totally ridiculous because we live right up High Street. She could’ve walked her lazy butt down to the Salvation Army, Christian Help, or any church in the area. Additionally, she knows the annual drive for the and Gold Mine Sale is coming up, so she could’ve saved them for that. Anyways, I have some clothes I’d like to donate, so where exactly can we drop off clothing?

  3. Something else you can go do this year for Earth Day- the MS Walk in Bridgeport! It’s not exactly Earth Day related, because it’s a walk to benefit people with a degenerative disease, but it will get you outside for a good cause. Here’s the website http://walkvab.nationalmssociety.org/site/PageServer?pagename=WLK_VAB_homepage but keep in mind that they developed the website AFTER changing locations, so it is no longer MS Walk Fairmont.

  4. The WVU community is very confusing to me. On the one hand, they are building the iServe program and promoting a slew of events related to Earth Day (which are all pretty awesome, by the way), but on the other hand they are happy to trash the community if they win a big football game or if it’s St. Pat’s Day. I realize that very different segments of the community are probably participating in very different activities, but what can be done to make preserving the community a campus wide concern?

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